
Longevity is Like Hibernate … Except that it’s Not

Longevity is like Hibernate, except that it’s not. The two projects share one major goal: provide persistence support for your domain entities in your enterprise application. But they are more different than same.
While Hibernate is for Java and relational databases, Longevity is for Scala and document databases. Hibernate is also an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM), and longevity is not. Let’s break that down.


Longevity Builds Database Integration Tests For You

Longevity - a persistence framework for Scala and NoSQL - provides a variety of tools to help you test your database application. In tests where you don't want to mock your repositories, but you want to avoid the overhead of persisting to a real database, longevity provides you with a suite of fully functional in-memory repositories. There is also a test class that you can extend to test your database queries - you basically just have to build your queries, and the base class does the rest of the work for you. Finally, longevity provides you with a test class that will exercise all the basic CRUD operations for all your repositories against a test database. In this article, we'll take a look at how we go about setting up the CRUD tests.


Longevity Now Has a Cassandra Back End

Longevity release 0.5 is out! The central focus of this release is the shiny new Cassandra back end.

Longevity is a persistence framework for Scala and NoSQL. It was originally built with a MongoDB back end, but I've always planned on supporting more kinds of databases. Longevity is mature enough at this point to add a second back end, and I chose Cassandra for a few different reasons.